Bionic Vitality
Your Scientific Roadmap to a More Youthful, Vibrant Version of YOU!

Hi, I'm Dr John Sottery.
I am a 65 year-young PhD Scientist and I believe that "aging normally" is a disaster.
I have spent the last 20 years developing a novel approach (based on breakthrough research studies) to transform my energy, health and vitality.
In this program, I help you identify...
...the precise bio-marker testing required to understand YOUR specific health situation ("where you are now") and...
...the supplements, foods, strategies and tech tools you need to enhance your health, vitality and appearance—and lower your risk of chronic disease.
I am obsessed with tracking down the best science and making it...
...Easy for you to understand, and...
...Simple for you to implement.
I know that the health research area can be incredibly complex and confusing. And I want to be your strategic guide, so you can work with your Doctor, and make all the right moves.
Let me be your guide to outrageous health and vitality – based on the latest and best science.

Today, I am a healthy 65 year old. However, twenty years ago (in my early 40's), I was a maxed-out entrepreneur, working crazy hours, and pushing myself relentlessly each day. I was putting myself last, and sacrificing my health as I worked intensely to make my company successful.
This approach wasn't sustainable. I was breaking down...and my energy level was slipping. And I found that I had to push myself harder and harder to do things that were once effortless for me.
I ended up suffering from two major heath crises. These were a huge wake up call for me. The intense pain and fear that I was feeling, drove me to finally make a life-changing decision. I am not willing to accept this decline...and I must take action now to restore my health, energy and vitality.
As a scientist, my approach was to...
...First, understand what was happening to me at a root-cause (molecular) level...
...Second, to take proactive steps, based on game changing scientific studies, to transform my health and vitality (including specific supplements, foods, strategies and tech tools) and ...
...Third, objectively monitor if this approach is working, by measuring critical biomarkers.
So how did the story play out? I was able to transform my health and vitality, while simultaneously driving the success of my company.
I created my Bionic Vitality program to share these state-of-the-art (root cause) strategies with you, and others, including many entrepreneurs😆.
It means everything to me, when I help you (in collaboration with your Doctor) to transform your health💥.
What are People Saying About Dr Sottery and Bionic Vitality?
Charly Caldwell II
(Fort Myers, FL)
Working with Dr. Sottery has been life-changing! John is working with my husband and I to guide us with strategies on how to stay healthy. He identified several “early warnings” for us to focus on and IT'S WORKING... one example...Jeff's blood pressure was 136/96 when we started, and now it is consistently 120/85.
I believe everyone needs to have an assessment with John in order to understand (and get a baseline on) the key biomarkers that most doctors don’t include during annual exams. Not to mention, he is a wealth of information. We are truly grateful for his guidance and the difference he is making to ensure we can live life to its fullest!
Teresa & Jeff D. (Cresson, TX)
I received some very alarming news from my doctor. Based on my bloodwork, she wanted to start me on two prescription drugs. I consulted with John, and decided to follow his recommendations for ten weeks, then got retested. The improvements were quite dramatic. My Glucose went down from 105 to 100, A1C went from 5.4 to 5.3, Cholesterol went from 244 to 172, LDL went from 174 to 96, HDL went from 53 to 73 and Triglycerides from 93 to 40. My doctor was shocked at this. She called me and said she had "never seen anything like this"... and "to keep up the good work". Over several months, my weight dropped from 225 to 180. And, I am now able to stay at this ideal weight all year round for the first time in my life.
This was a major health crisis for me. Without Dr. Sottery's help, guidance and ability to understand the medical system, I would have been lost. If you really want to change your health for the better I would recommend John's program. I can honestly say it changed my life for the better. I feel like a new person.
Malcolm A. (Westport, CT)
A few years back my teenage son was at work when he suddenly felt dizzy and lost peripheral vision. After a trip to the emergency room we found out that he had a stroke due to migraine.
I consulted Dr. John Sottery about my son’s medical issue and he helped me to understand the root-cause of the issue. He explained importance of what you put in your body and how certain foods containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 fats can affect the way your body works, including brain function. As most teenagers do my son was drinking a lot of soda and eating fast food and junk food at home. I changed the family’s diet to cut way down on processed foods and sugars. Upon Dr. Sottery’s suggestion we also started adding supplements to our daily regimen. Specifically for my son's health we started having him take Super Omega-3 EPA/DHA with Sesame Lignans & Olive Fruit Extract to balance his ratio. The change was almost instant and very dramatic. He started feeling better and the migraines stopped. I am very grateful for the shared knowledge and lifestyle change that has improved my family’s health!
Collette S. (Trumbull, CT)
And by acting now, you get instant access to the following Sign-up BONUSES...
BONUS 1 💥Dr Sottery's Skin Care Protocol: How to Trigger Multiple Skin Repair Mechanisms and REVERSE Skin Damage ($97 Value)
BONUS 2 💥How to Avoid Chronic Disease and Slow Aging – Based on the 2016 Nobel Prize in Medicine ($97 Value)
BONUS 3 💥Dr Sottery's Quick Start Guide on Boosting Energy and Metabolism via Healthy MCTs ($29 Value)
BONUS 4 💥Dr Sottery's Data Visualization Tool to Graph Your Bio-Markers Over Time ($29 Value)
BONUS 5 💥Access to Dr. Sottery's Complete Video Library: My Game Changing Health Strategies and Supplement Protocols ($1497 Value)
Bionic Vitality is for you if...
- You are a man or woman over 40
- You feel overwhelmed by the thousands of supplements available – and all the contradictory health recommendations that you get bombarded with each week
- You find the health area to be incredibly complex – and you can't spend hundreds of hours each year staying up to date on the latest medical research and scientific discoveries
- You want to return to your ideal weight, feel better, have more youthful vitality – and healthy, glowing skin
- You find it more difficult to really "bring it" (like you used to) in business and in your life
- You refuse to just "age normally" like your parents generation, and have your quality-of-life slowly ravaged by mitochondrial disfunction and chronic disease
- You need a trusted advisor to answer your Health, Nutrition and Supplement questions. Someone that is on your side – and is not trying to sell you anything
My Bionic Vitality program is for you – if you want to be PROACTIVE and follow my plan based on game changing research studies.

I am not a medical doctor and I am not giving medical advice. Instead, I focus on the underlying biochemistry, study the latest scientific research and follow dozens of the top researchers around the world. I then translate scientific breakthroughs into easy to implement strategies to help slow the aging process and restore vibrant health and vitality.
As a Bionic Vitality Member, you can join me each month for:
1) Live Zoom calls, where I share the BEST Strategies, Supplements, Tech Tools and Foods for VIBRANT HEALTH.
I make it easy for you to understand and easy for you to implement these strategies, in consultation with your physician.
And if you miss a session, you can watch the recording at your convenience.
2) Get Your Health and Supplement questions answered by Dr John during our live Zoom calls.
Dr Sottery is paid $1000/hr to consult for Fortune 500 companies. But your family can access his expertise for a tiny fraction of this cost (as a member of this monthly program).
And of course, you can email your questions in advance, if you prefer to remain anonymous.
3) As a BONUS, you also get full access (on Day 1) to Dr. Sottery's Video Library of Game Changing Health Strategies and Supplements ($1497 Value)
4) And you can access everything from your phone via our free Kajabi app.
Will You Join me in Bionic Vitality?
Take a few seconds—and think about how much more you ENJOY YOUR LIFE when you are FEELING GREAT💥!
You will be amazed at what is possible.
I am so excited to be your "health guide" to the best science, strategies, supplements and tech.
I'm excited to watch YOU transform YOUR vitality and YOUR health!
See you on the inside!
PS. I watched both of my parents struggle with, and accept, aging and chronic disease.
And my own health crises coupled with the pain of watching my late parents deal with Type 2 Diabetes, Parkinson's, Cancer—and the often brutal side-effects of their treatments—drove me to help you and I avoid this painful fate.
I also realized that drugs generally treat the symptoms of metabolic dysfunction and do not cure metabolic disease.
And the key to vibrant health and living much younger than your age is fixing your root-cause biochemical issues BEFORE you get a nightmare diagnosis.
My Zero-Risk, 45-Day Money-Back Guarantee: You have a full 45 days to use my program. And if you are not completely satisfied during this time, I will happily refund 100% of your investment, with no conditions and no hassle! And you can keep your downloaded BONUSES as my gift to you!
(Just let me know via email😄)
Dr. John Sottery is a Ph.D. Scientist and is not a medical doctor — and he is not providing medical advice on any health condition. This website and this program were created by The Sottery Group LLC and all of the information that they contain and reference is general health information, and is for your education only. The opinions, ideas and suggestions contained in this website and program are not to be used as a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor (or health care provider) for any health condition or problem. Users of this website should not rely on the information provided for their own health problems. Any questions regarding your own health should be addressed to your own physician. Please do not start or stop any medications, or make any changes to your diet and/or supplements without first consulting with your doctor. We NEVER encourage you to do so, nor can we be held responsible for the consequences of failing to seek the counsel of a medical health practitioner.
By using this website and/or program, you agree to these terms.